Extending OpenCV to event-based vision
▼ include | |
▼ openev | |
openev.hpp | Include all the OpenEV modules |
options.hpp | OpenEV compilation options |
▼ modules | |
▼ algorithms | |
▼ include | |
▼ openev | |
▼ algorithms | |
efft.hpp | EFFT published in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2024 |
algorithms.hpp | Include all the OpenEV algorithms module |
▼ containers | |
▼ include | |
▼ openev | |
▼ containers | |
array.hpp | |
circular.hpp | Circular buffer container for basic event structures |
deque.hpp | Deque container for basic event structures |
queue.hpp | Queue container for basic event structures |
vector.hpp | |
containers.hpp | Include all the OpenEV containers module |
▼ src | |
array.cpp | Implementation of array |
circular.cpp | Implementation of circular |
deque.cpp | Implementation of deque |
queue.cpp | Implementation of queue |
vector.cpp | Implementation of vector |
▼ core | |
▼ include | |
▼ openev | |
▼ core | |
matrices.hpp | Basic event-based vision structures based on OpenCV components |
types.hpp | Basic event-based vision structures based on OpenCV components |
undistortion.hpp | Undistortion utilities |
core.hpp | Include all the OpenEV core module |
▼ devices | |
▼ include | |
▼ openev | |
▼ devices | |
abstract-camera.hpp | Abstract camera device driver |
davis.hpp | Camera device driver for DAVIS cameras |
devices.hpp | Include all the OpenEV devices module |
▼ src | |
abstract-camera.cpp | Implementation of abstract-camera |
davis.cpp | Implementation of davis |
▼ readers | |
▼ include | |
▼ openev | |
▼ readers | |
abstract-reader.hpp | |
plain-text-reader.hpp | Plain text reader |
readers.hpp | Include all the OpenEV readers module |
▼ src | |
abstract-reader.cpp | Implementation of abstract-reader |
plain-text-reader.cpp | Implementation of plain-text-reader |
▼ representations | |
▼ include | |
▼ openev | |
▼ representations | |
abstract-representation.hpp | Event abstract representation |
event-histogram.hpp | 2D histogram of events |
event-image.hpp | Event images |
point-cloud.hpp | Point cloud of events |
time-surface.hpp | Time surface |
representations.hpp | Include all the OpenEV representations module |
▼ utils | |
▼ include | |
▼ openev | |
▼ utils | |
logger.hpp | Logger utility |
utils.hpp | Include all the OpenEV utils module |