Extending OpenCV to event-based vision
No Matches
ev::AugmentedEvent_< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ev::AugmentedEvent_< T >, including all inherited members.

bilinearVoting() constev::AugmentedEvent_< T >inline
depthev::AugmentedEvent_< T >
distance(const Event_< T > &e, const uint8_t type=DISTANCE_NORM_L2|DISTANCE_FLAG_SPATIAL) constev::Event_< T >inline
Event_()ev::Event_< T >inline
Event_(const Event_< T > &)=defaultev::Event_< T >
Event_(Event_< T > &&) noexcept=defaultev::Event_< T >
Event_(const T x, const T y)ev::Event_< T >inline
Event_(const cv::Point_< T > &pt)ev::Event_< T >inlineexplicit
Event_(const T x, const T y, const double t, const bool p)ev::Event_< T >inline
Event_(const cv::Point_< T > &pt, const double t, const bool p)ev::Event_< T >inline
operator cv::Point3_< U >() constev::Event_< T >inline
operator cv::Point_< U >() constev::Event_< T >inline
operator<(const Event_< T > &e) constev::Event_< T >inline
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const AugmentedEvent_< T > &e)ev::AugmentedEvent_< T >friend
operator=(const Event_< T > &)=defaultev::Event_< T >
operator=(const cv::Point_< T > &p)ev::Event_< T >inline
operator=(Event_< T > &&) noexcept=defaultev::Event_< T >
operator==(const Event_< T > &e) constev::Event_< T >inline
operator==(const cv::Point_< T > &pt) constev::Event_< T >inline
operator==(const cv::Point3_< T > &pt) constev::Event_< T >inline
pev::Event_< T >
stereoev::AugmentedEvent_< T >
tev::Event_< T >
undistort(const UndistortMap &map)ev::Event_< T >inline
weightev::AugmentedEvent_< T >