Extending OpenCV to event-based vision
This is the complete list of members for ev::Davis, including all inherited members.
DEFAULT_EXPOSURE (defined in ev::Davis) | ev::Davis | static |
DEFAULT_INTERVAL (defined in ev::Davis) | ev::Davis | static |
enableAps(bool state) | ev::Davis | |
enableDvs(bool state) | ev::Davis | |
enableImu(bool state) | ev::Davis | |
flush(const double msec) const | ev::AbstractCamera | |
getBias(const uint8_t name) const | ev::Davis | |
ev::AbstractCamera::getBias(const int8_t config_bias, const uint8_t name) const | ev::AbstractCamera | |
getData(Vector &events) override | ev::Davis | virtual |
getData(Queue &events) override | ev::Davis | virtual |
getData(StampedMat &frame) | ev::Davis | |
getData(StampedMatVector &frames) | ev::Davis | |
getData(StampedMatQueue &frames) | ev::Davis | |
getData(Imu &imu) | ev::Davis | |
getData(ImuVector &imu) | ev::Davis | |
getData(ImuQueue &imu) | ev::Davis | |
getData(Vector &events, StampedMat &frame) | ev::Davis | |
getData(Vector &events, StampedMatVector &frames) | ev::Davis | |
getData(Queue &events, StampedMatQueue &frames) | ev::Davis | |
getData(Vector &events, Imu &imu) | ev::Davis | |
getData(Vector &events, ImuVector &imu) | ev::Davis | |
getData(Queue &events, ImuQueue &imu) | ev::Davis | |
getData(Vector &events, StampedMat &frame, Imu &imu) | ev::Davis | |
getData(Vector &events, StampedMatVector &frame, ImuVector &imu) | ev::Davis | |
getData(Queue &events, StampedMatQueue &frame, ImuQueue &imu) | ev::Davis | |
getEventRaw(std::vector< uint64_t > &data) | ev::Davis | |
getEventRaw(uint64_t *data, const bool allow_realloc=true) | ev::Davis | |
getRoi() const | ev::AbstractCamera | |
getSensorSize() const | ev::AbstractCamera | |
setApsTimeInterval(uint32_t usec) | ev::Davis | |
setBias(const uint8_t name, const BiasValue &value) | ev::Davis | |
ev::AbstractCamera::setBias(const int8_t config_bias, const uint8_t name, const BiasValue &value) | ev::AbstractCamera | |
setDvsEventsPerPacket(uint32_t n) | ev::Davis | |
setDvsTimeInterval(uint32_t usec) | ev::Davis | |
setExposure(uint32_t exposure) | ev::Davis | |
setRoi(const cv::Rect_< uint16_t > &roi) | ev::AbstractCamera | |
setTimeOffset(const double offset) | ev::AbstractCamera | inline |
start() | ev::AbstractCamera | |
stop() | ev::AbstractCamera |